Tamworth Regional Council subscribes to all six tools in .id's suite. To inform the Council's "State of the Region" report and the Community Strategic Plan (CSP), .id was asked to prepare a report which used the six tools and other appropriate data to add metrics to the CSP's nine focus areas:
In preparing the report, we aimed to provide easily understood figures that directly relate to the abovementioned focus areas, illustrate trends, and benchmark Tamworth Region statistics to Regional New South Wales so that we could compare the region's trends and understand whether Tamworth is exceeding or falling behind in some measures.
1. Our Water Security
90% of farm water comes from rivers, creeks, and lakes, showing a huge dependence on these water sources. Irrigation channels are less common in Tamworth than in broader NSW.
2. A Liveable Built Environment
Residential approvals average 350 new dwellings per year, mainly stand-alone houses. Median house prices are lower than regional NSW averages, though affordability remains an issue.
3. Prosperity and Innovation
Business numbers have grown by 12% since 2019, with notable expansion in construction and healthcare. Tourism is primarily domestic; 11% of visitor nights were international.
4. Resilient and Diverse Communities
Health issues like asthma and mental conditions are prevalent. Disability support needs are slightly higher than average.
5. Connect Our Region and Its Citizens
Fatal crashes have decreased; however, public and active transport usage declined, partly due to COVID-19. Digital inclusion is lower in Tamworth compared to NSW averages.
6. Working With and Protecting Our Environment
Solar installations are growing, with 36% of households equipped. Recycling rates are comparable to NSW, and waste generation is slightly below state averages.
7. Celebrate Our Cultures and Heritage
Cultural facilities are less prioritised by residents. The First Nations population is significantly higher than NSW averages, with some Indigenous language speakers.
8. A Strong and Vibrant Entity
The council will provide and add information for this focus area.
9. Open and Collaborative Leadership
Emerging job sectors include healthcare, IT, and renewable energy, while industries like manufacturing and transportation face potential declines.
This project and resulting report provided a data-driven overview of the Tamworth region's performance across key areas in the Community Strategic Plan, identifying strengths in economic growth and environmental initiatives while highlighting challenges in affordable housing, community health, and digital inclusion.
The Tamworth Regional Council will use the provided analytic output to measure its progress towards the nine focus areas. Subsequent updates in the future will supersede data provided in this project. This will enable the Council to better measure progress towards the CSP priorities and change strategic direction if data suggests some focus areas require more attention than previously anticipated.
Most Councils have strategic plans composed of focus areas, priorities, and strategic direction, but not all Councils have appropriate, accurate, and recent information to inform those strategic goals.
If you are interested in similar work, feel free to reach out at demographics@id.com.au or on +61 3 9417 2205.
Cover photo by Anthony Lim on Unsplash