economy | economic consulting

Specialized expertise for every local government

.id has a dedicated economic consulting team with decades of experience in assisting public and private sector clients understand demographic & economic factors driving cities, regions and communities.

What can we assist with?


Economic Health Check

A comprehensive analysis of the local economy. Covers current economic position, recent trends, drivers of recent change, strategic sectors and localised SWOT. Useful for assessing the current state of play in the economy and crucial first step in the development of a long term economic development strategy.


Industry Profiles

Online profiles of key or customised industries/sectors (e.g. Creative sector) covering headline figures, recent growth, competitiveness, worker characteristics and key businesses. Profiles allow you to set sector baselines, monitor major industry movements, highlight strategic sectors to investors, identify unique local characteristics.


Economic Profiles

Our economic profiles tell the story of local economies. Looking beyond merely repeating factual statements and presenting data, our approach is designed to better inform councils about a location’s strategic strengths and weaknesses as they develop over time. We tailor the story to the audience, using charts, tables and maps to complement a narrative that identifies the unique characteristics of a local area.

Meet our experts


Rob Hall

B. Economics, B. Business

Rob is driven by a desire to help shape communities for a better future. Trained as an economist, he has a fifteen-year background in economics, land use planning, demographics and strategic planning with a focus on understanding how economic forces influences cities, and regions. Prior to .id, Rob worked in State Government and played a key role in developing the economic story in Plan Melbourne, strategic direction for the National Employment Clusters and analysis of employment land use requirements. Rob has also worked at MacroPlan Dimasi leading multiple economic and land use employment studies across Melbourne and Australia.


John Kim

B. Economics, M. Economics

John is an economist with backgrounds in consulting and applied economic research for local councils, federal government and research institutes. John’s main area of expertise and interest is applied economics, providing quantitative analysis and building custom economic models. Prior to .id, John worked for an independent consulting company in New Zealand where he worked on various publicly funded research projects in areas such as environmental economics, infrastructure resilience and macroeconomic analysis. He played a key role in assessing economic impacts of the 2016 Kaikoura earthquake, the economic impacts of Rugby World Cup 2011 and America’s Cup 2021 village.


Keenan Jackson

B. Economics, M. Urban Management

Keenan is an economic development specialist with extensive experience analysing and developing economic programs, strategies and policies. He has specialist economic knowledge and expertise in city competitiveness, cluster analysis, innovation system development, and complexity economics. Prior to .id, Keenan worked in State Government where he helped develop the economic evidence and investment logic to support the Victorian Government's economic development agenda, especially in regional areas. He led the profiling and competitiveness analysis of the state's major regional cities. He also has a background in economics and business teaching.

Learn more

If you're interested in taking the next step, we're here to help. Get in touch to learn how economic consulting can help your organisation and community.