Helping Emergency Services

Incidents aren't always contained within LGA boundaries, so neither should your service planning.


How we can help

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How we help Emergency Services across Australia 

Our forecasts enable emergency services to make informed decisions about service locations and resourcing so they can spend more funds and time on what matters most – saving lives and helping Australian communities.


Resource effectively 

Understand expected demand for your new station or identify if current facilities will meet future service levels so you can resource effectively. 

consistent nationwide

Determine best service location 

Identify where and when new stations or services are needed across any geography in Australia.


Build for capacity 

Understand the total capacity of an area to get the timing right and build a station that will service the place at capacity (not on the way to capacity). 


risk free decisions

Forecast future incidents 

Get know how population demographics are changing in your service catchment area and forecast future incidents based on age and sex profiles.

Helping Kingswim find their next opportunity


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Read case study  

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Trusted by Emergency Services providers


You can understand when and where future incidents are expected to increase. 



Find well priced land, leaving more money for resources by gaining foresight about population before it gets there.


Just like your incidents, our forecasts aren’t constrained to borders allowing you to plan for what you need - fire, people, danger. 



What do we forecast and why are we the most trusted in Australia?

All our forecasting services are underpinned by our National Forecasting Program. Produced by Australia's most trusted, independent forecasting team, the program provides the most consistent & detailed forecasts of population, housing and residential development available in Australia.

Explore our National Forecasting Program

Add our insights to your evidence base

From one-off reports to tailored data partnerships, we can help you make data-driven decisions with unique information about places and how they are changing. premium

Bring the full power of our National Forecasting Program into your business. Support your in-house analysis with the latest forecasts and executive briefings from our experts.

Check Circle  Identify high value growth

Check Circle  Flexible geography for planning

Check Circle  Access to our experts

Learn more → hotspot report

Find a location near the people you serve with a tailored report that identifies up to ten locations with the highest number of people in your target demographic. 

Check Circle  Identify 10 key locations 

Check Circle  Target demographic insights

Check Circle  Strategic investment guidance

Learn more→ location reports

Whether you're investing in a new location or checking your current strategy is on track, reports quantify future demand around a known location.

Check Circle Access to our experts

Check Circle  Unique location insights

Check Circle  Visual reports

Learn more →

Book a consultation

Not sure which of our services best fit your project?
Get in touch with us here and we'll call you to discuss your options.