economic profile |

Build strong local economies is a curated online economic tool that provides in-depth and up-to-date economic insights for local areas.

Using, you'll spend less time crunching data and more time telling the important stories of your changing economy that promote, develop and monitor it.

More than 200 local councils and regional authorities around Australia inform their decisions using

Learn more about subscribing to →

economic profiles

Develop, implement and monitor the right strategy for your economy tells a cohesive story of your local economy – how it is changing over time, and how it compares to other areas.

The tools in help you gain insight into how well your economy is performing to attract investment, grow jobs and create wealth. These tools include:

  • Economic Impact Assessment Modelling
  • Event Impact Calculator
  • Industry modules for agriculture and tourism

Over 200 councils across Australia subscribe to and provide access to this valuable resource on their website or through .id’s demographic resource centre.

Give your team and community the power to see these changes clearly, uncover trends, test assumptions and make informed decisions.

.id tools are used by more than 250 councils around Australia

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Benefits to council

Turn data into knowledge.


Curated datasets

.id deliver Australia’s leading economic modelling and detailed industry data at the local level. This is used in conjunction with Census and other data to provide the most comprehensive tool available for local government.


Converts data to insights

What's the story behind the data? Local experts help connect the economic narrative to community and population policies. Insights are presented in tables, charts, maps, textual analysis. Guidance and training are included in the comprehensive support package your subscription entitles you to.


Direct support from the experts

Collaboration is core to the way we do business. Your subscription gives you direct support from the economic experts behind the tool: from training and briefing sessions for executives, staff and the community to ad-hoc advice.


Easy to use

You don't need to be an economist to find the data you need. gives your entire council and community the power to use Census and other industry data to make informed decisions in their daily work.


Invest in efficiency

Repetitive and inconsistent analysis can cost you more than money. is delivered online so your council, community and consultants can all use the same data every time they need it. Easy exports and custom reporting enable quick presentations and in-depth analysis.


Full public access

Internal and external requests are a drain on resources. appears at the top of Google search results, answering common questions about your economy before they come to you.

city-of-monash enables us to have reliable economic information on hand quickly to promote our local economy to visitors and investors, and support our submissions to other tiers of government.
Greg Male, Mayor

Benefits to communities

A resource for all.

Empower community leaders and help businesses flourish. is made available online to all, allowing council, local businesses and community groups to work from the same evidence base to:

  • See how different industry sectors contribute to the economy
  • Develop effective economic strategies
  • Promote the economy and attract investment to create jobs
  • Quantify the effect of adding (or losing) jobs from the economy
  • Quantify the impact of running events
  • Support funding submissions with powerful evidence
  • Share economic information with local businesses
  • Develop of local industries and attract new industries
  • Educate council staff and councillors about their local economy
  • Build confidence in decision making



Designed for decision makers.

Jobs and Industry forecasting - Economic Impact & Events tool

One of the most powerful tools for council staff is the ability to demonstrate, with solid evidence, how particular economic activity will impact and benefit the wider community. With this evidence-base, you can make confident strategic decisions and build a powerful case for funding applications, investment attraction activities, land-use planning, and community / social service activities and facilities.


How do you compare?

Get essential context by comparing your LGA and areas within it against each other and benchmark geographies of your choice.

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Early detection and long-range time series

Is your economy changing? provides the earliest detection of trends and monitoring between Census years including long range time series for many data sets each single year since the year 2000

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Easy exports and custom reporting

Make the data work for you. Download raw data, export charts and tables, right from the site page. Or you can generate a PDF of the page or share. For more formal reporting visit the economy "downloads" section to create your own custom reports.

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Included topics


An essential tool for all of council.


Community services

Respond to changes in your economy; plan and deliver services and facilities where they are needed most.


Social planning

Uncover employment and industry patterns to deliver the most effective social programs and services where they’re needed most.


Event planning

Use to determine which events, projects or investment will impact on the economy. 



Create funding submissions based on accurate, local socio -economic data. Our impact tool uses local multipliers, critical for State and Federal government grants.


Assets and infrastructure

Profiling labour force, journey to work, industry location is essential for identifying needs for new infrastructure.

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Library services

As a public resource, minimises
external information requests. 


Marketing and communications

Paint a clear picture of your changing economy; promote your area to prospective businesses, investors and residents.


Executive and governance

Meaningful inductions for new elected members and briefings for management.


Corporate and finance

Identify trends in your local and regional economy to refine growth assumptions in your Long Term Financial Plan.


Development planning

A clear picture of tourism including seasonal employment workforce employment profile and visitor information helps analyse housing demand.


Economic development

Support local business decision-making and build business cases to attract investment in your community.


Land use planning

Map the changing industry types, industry clusters, and location of businesses in different parts of your community to better plan for land use.

What's the process for getting

Learn more

If you're interested in taking the next step, we're here to help. Get in touch to learn how can help your organisation and community.

Call us: 03 9417 2205


Frequently asked questions