Services for Education providers
How many school-aged children are forecast to live in your school's catchment in each of the next 25 years?
We can show you.

Enrolment & resource planning
Understand how the population in your school’s catchment is forecast to change to help plan for upcoming classes and enrolments.
Locating schools near students
Identify locations that are forecast to have a high proportion of 5-11 and 12-17 year olds in the next 25 years.
Forecasts by age and sex
Plan for specific year-level cohorts or single-sex schools with age- and sex-specific forecasts.
Why we're trusted by education providers
Experienced specialists in education planning and demand forecasting
We can provide forecasts for an entire region or a specific school's catchment.
We prepare concise & visual reports that help you tell a story about how your place is changing.
What do we forecast and why are we the most trusted in Australia?
All of our forecasts are underpinned by our National Forecasting Program. Produced by Australia's most trusted, independent forecasting team, the program provides the most consistent & detailed forecasts of population, housing and residential development available in Australia.
Helping Kingswim find their next opportunity
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Read case study premium
Bring the full power of our National Forecasting Program into your organisation. Support your in-house analysis with the latest forecasts and executive briefings from our experts.
Identify growth areas
Flexible geography for planning
Access to our experts hotspot report
A tailored report that identifies up to ten locations that are forecast to have the most students in specific age- or sex- cohorts over each of the next 25 years.
Identify 10 key locations
Specific student cohorts
Analyse an area of your choice
Planning schools in growth areas
Western Sydney is growing rapidly and the urban landscape is evolving quickly. In this context, the Campbelltown Anglican Schools Council (CASC) found producing reasonable forecasts of student demand to be a challenge – a task further complicated by the emergence of competitor schools.

What our clients say
"For years we've used to plan services and facilities more accurately than was possible in the past. With, our staff can show how many four year olds are likely to want kindergarten in the years to come, allowing the groundwork to occur now"