housing monitor | housing.id

Monitor housing provision

housing.id is an online evidence base created specifically for your LGA to help you influence and advocate for your community's housing needs, and monitor progress toward strategic planning goals.

Learn more about subscribing to housing.id →

housing monitor  housing.id

Plan, deliver and monitor affordable, appropriate housing

Australia's housing crisis is comprised of multiple challenges. Affordability for first homebuyers. Regional housing supply. Tight rental stock for family households, for students, for retirees, for lone persons. Access to public/social housing. Homelessness.

Each of these issues require very different policy responses, but they do share a common theme. Effective housing policy needs nuance based on local area data and local knowledge.
Local government has the insight to be most effective at facilitating the delivery of the right housing at the right time in the right place.
housing.id helps local government make informed, evidence-based decisions as they play their important role in delivering affordable and appropriate housing for our communities.


Empower councils to influence their local housing story


Inform housing strategy

housing.id gives you the evidence to understand the local demographic and economic determinants of housing supply and demand, so you can create more informed strategy.

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Monitor the real impact of strategy

It's easy for strategies to be "set and forget". Monitor the real-world impacts of actions and get timely insights into how your strategies are working in the changing housing environment.


Advocate with evidence

housing.id has been designed from .id’s extensive experience building evidence bases that local governments use to liaise with and advocate to state government and other agencies.

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Plan for appropriate housing

There are strong links between the demographic and economic characteristics of your community and their housing preferences. housing.id highlights mismatches between current supply and the profile of current and future forecast residents.

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Quantify affordability

Understand how and where housing stress is affecting your residents, and how the market is supplying and affecting affordability. Devise local strategies for meeting needs with appropriate housing types.


Build partnerships

Get council, community housing providers and developers on the same page. Having an online evidence base for housing means council staff, community housing providers, developers and other partners can work together from the same data.

We work with councils around Australia
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Trusted by local governments around the country

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Save time

Council staff don’t often have the time to become statistical experts, especially in the complex housing space. Don't spend weeks swimming in Excel spreadsheets; get the data you need in seconds via an easy to use online platform.


Save money

A subscription to housing.id is a third of the cost of the average housing study. It is also more cost-effective than undertaking this analysis internally, saving on staff costs and expensive data purchases.


Stay up to date

Housing studies from consultants are generally static snapshots in time, quickly out of date – especially in terms of housing affordability. housing.id is updated every 6 months, allowing you to monitor and respond to change.


Easy to use

Don’t get bogged down in pages and pages of numbers. housing.id organises presents multiple sets of information to tell a detailed story in the most straightforward, accessible way. 

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Localised insights

Housing data is often only provided at the LGA level. housing.id presents a growing number of datasets at a sub-LGA level, enabling Council to accurately target their effort and resources to the relevant community.

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Expert support

Collaboration is core to the way we do business. Your subscription gives you direct, ongoing support from the housing experts behind the tool: from training and briefing sessions to ad-hoc advice over the phone.


Ensure consistency

Inconsistent information creates confusion. housing.id is a consistent and comprehensive evidence base accessible for all: Council staff, Councillors, community housing providers, developers and other partners, plus residents and community groups.


Get on the same page

housing.id is supplied as a publicly accessible website that can be shared by the Council. An open, consistent and up-to-date evidence base is essential to bringing together council, housing providers and developers.

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Engage the community

Publishing an intuitive housing dashboard on Council’s website invites community to inform themselves, raising awareness and opening conversations.

See housing.id in action

Check out our live housing monitors.



Answer the important questions

Local affordable housing insights

Understand how many different sized homes are affordable for locals in different income bands and household types. See how this is changing over time.

housing.id affordability animation

Up-to-date market data

Sourced from our partners at PropTrack, housing.id features regularly updated sales and rentals information. Reduce data costs by leveraging our partnership.

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Spatial insights

Maps are a great way to tell a local story. Get spatial insights for topics such as housing stress and building approvals. No need for complex GIS systems.


Always evolving

We’re committed to helping local governments address housing effectively. housing.id is regularly improved based on new data sources and feedback from users at the frontlines.

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Included topics

What's the process for getting housing.id?

Get in touch

General queries | Book a demo | Pricing enquiry

If you're interested in taking the next step, we're here to help. Get in touch to learn how profile.id can help your organisation and community. Use this form or reach out by phone or email.

Call us: 03 9417 2205

email: housing@id.com.au

Further resources

How Councils can influence affordable housing


An overview of the roles council can play to improve housing affordability and support those who are struggling in the housing market.

Free download →

Addressing Australia's housing crisis

Webinar recording

A look at the different issues that make up Australia's "housing crisis" and the need for local nuance in responses; the roles local government play in addressing these issues; and a demonstration of housing.id.

Watch now →

Frequently asked questions