The population and housing forecast for the Central and Far West region

SA4s in region:

Published: January 2025
Version: 5.1.0

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Read the insights and analysis behind our population and dwellings forecasts for the North Sydney region.

About the Central and Far West region

The Central and Far West region is the largest region in NSW geographically but holds a small portion of the total population. It comprises of two SA4s Central West and Far West and Orana. The largest towns within the region are Orange, Dubbo, Bathurst, and Broken Hill. The region is forecast to comprise 1% of NSW's total growth, with most areas holding historic growth patterns with larger regional towns attracting population from surrounding areas. 

The vast expanse of the region includes a variety of area types, ranging from thriving rural cities like Orange, Dubbo, and Bathurst, which are projected to keep growing. In contrast, mining towns such as Broken Hill and Lightning Ridge are experiencing gradual population decreases as these industries slow down.

Key findings

Central West

The Central West SA4 consists of a few regional centres, those being Orange, Bathurst, Mudgee & Lithgow. Other areas are growing at a relatively slow pace or staying at similar levels in population over the forecast period. Primary focus is on Orange and Bathurst, as these areas are providing the bulk of development within this SA4. The SA4’s ERP at the start of the forecast period is 213,471 and reaches 246,327 at the end of the forecast period.

Bathurst takes up about 4 SA2s, with two SA2s containing growth fronts. The East has the Laffing Waters precinct field with new greenfield development and infill in established greenfield areas. Whilst Bathurst – West SA2 has established residential areas with the Eglinton expansion. Orange on the other hand, consists of 3 SA4s. There are growth corridors in Orange – North SA2 and a small portion within Orange and Orange Surrounds SA2. There are a few growth fronts seen with Mudgee and its western surrounds.

For other portions within the SA4 such as Forbes, Grenfell or Cowra, all receive a small amount of growth.

Far West and Orana

The Far West and Orana SA4 is a tale of two regions - Dubbo, and everywhere else. As a whole, this is the only SA4 within NSW that sees a gradual population decline in the latter half of the forecast period going from a population of 117,178 in 2021 to 116,806 by 2046. 

Dubbo itself comprises four SA2s: Dubbo - East, Dubbo - South, and Dubbo - West. Growth is mainly concentrated in Dubbo - South and Dubbo - West, with significant greenfield growth in these corridors to continue throughout the forecast. We also see densification occurring in the Dubbo CBD with apartment developments under construction and more in the pipeline. We see the population in these three SA2s grow from 41,014 in 2026 to 48,125 by 2046. 

Outside of Dubbo there are almost no active development fronts, with some smaller-scale development happening in Wellington, Narromine, and Gilgandra. All SA2s outside of the three in Dubbo see a population decline over the forecast period. Most notably we see the Broken Hill SA2 continuing its historical rate of decline going from 17,661 people in 2021 down to 16,520 by 2046. 

What share of Australia's growth will occur in New South Wales?

Read our forecast results and analysis for New South Wales on the resources page. Watch the webinar recap or see a summary slide pack to learn what's driving growth in Australia, and each region of the state.

Forecast results

The following forecast information presents the combined numbers for the Central and Far West SA4s.

Learn more about the different options to access these forecasts for Local Government Areas (LGAs), suburbs, custom catchments or the entire state or nation here.

  2021 2026 2031 2036 2041 2046
Forecast Population 330,649 338,688 346,025 352,686 358,403 363,134
Change (five year)   8,039 7,337 6,661 5,718 4,730
Average Annual Change (%)   0.48% 0.43% 0.38% 0.32% 0.26%
Forecast Dwellings             133,794             137,314             140,845             144,377             147,546             150,415
Change (five year)   3,520 3,531 3,531 3,170 2,868
Average Annual Change (%)   0.52% 0.51% 0.50% 0.44% 0.39%


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Commentary and analysis from our specialist forecasters.

Johnny Barnard

Johnny Barnard

Principal forecaster
Liza Ivanova

Liza Ivanova

Population forecaster
Richard Thornton

Richard Thornton

Population forecaster

Chris Jones

Population forecaster
Oliver Bowering

Oliver Bowering

Population forecaster

John O'Leary

Forecast modelling