Queensland - Toowoomba SA4 region

Toowoomba SA4 is forecast to grow from 164,144 to 202,752 by 2046, an increase of 38,608 people throughout the forecast period. Directly adjacent to Ipswich, the Toowoomba SA4 is the natural periphery to Queensland's fastest growing population hub, creating an array of opportunities and challenges for the region.

Version 5.1.0 Published 20th June 2023


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Insights behind our population and dwellings forecasts for Toowoomba SA4

Key Findings

The population of Toowoomba SA4 in 2021 was 163,144. Forecast to grow by 38,608, the population will reach 202,752 persons by 2046, accounting for 2% of Queensland's population growth over the forecast period.

  • The number of dwellings in Toowoomba SA4 is forecast to grow from 67,975 in 2021 to 87,635 in 2046, an additional 19,659 dwellings.
  • Toowoomba - West SA2 (9,490), Highfields SA2 (8,931), and Darling Heights SA2 (4,326) are forecast to contribute the largest share of population growth combined, accounting for 60% of Toowoomba SA4's total population growth to 2046, or 24.6%, 23.1% and 11.2% respectively.
  • The majority of the region's dwelling growth is attributed also to Toowoomba - West SA2 (4,176), Highfields SA2 (3,752), and Darling Heights SA2 (2,268), with a combined contribution of 52% or 21.3%, 19.1%, and 11.5% respectively.
  • No SA2s are forecast to decline in population over the forecast period, with the smallest growth forecast in Newtown SA2.

Read on below for charts, maps and tables sharing the forecast results at SA2 geography. 


Geography and the role and function of place

The Toowoomba SA4 is made up of 15 SA2s, situated 130km west of Brisbane, directly adjacent to Ipswich. The SA4's relatively small surface area is attributed to it's larger population density, characteristic of a regional centre. Boasting an array of economic and social industries, Toowoomba will experience consistent growth throughout the forecast period.

As one of the oldest and second largest inland cities in Australia, Toowoomba's colonial history revolves largely around its agricultural success, temperate climate, and proximity to other early settlements. The region expands radially around Toowoomba Railway Station in Toowoomba Central SA2, as north as the suburb of Geham and as south as Cambooya, then reaching east into Lockyer Valley, a region shared between Toowoomba SA4 and Ipswich SA4. The forecast population growth is dispersed relatively evenly north, south, and west of the town centre, and tends to follow areas with developable land. Toowoomba - West SA2 is expected to experience the largest share of this growth, resultant of its immense supply of such land. Functionally, the region acts as a natural periphery to the rapidly expanding Ipswich population hub, attracting new migrants and young families looking for cheaper, and more accessible housing options in a relatively short distance from Brisbane.

In terms of transport, the region benefits from a two-hour passenger train linking Brisbane and Toowoomba. Around town, the region also benefits from a frequent passenger bus service, interconnecting it's suburbs. The peripheral suburbs of Toowoomba must rely on private transportation to navigate the city.


Toowoomba SA4 Forecast Results




National and State population forecast

A new census cycle means new 2021 ‘Tops-Down’ national to state to SA4 forecasts based on up-to-date macro-level population and economic assumptions. For more information on our ‘Tops-Down’ forecast assumptions and results, read our National and State Population Forecast Review.

SAFi Review

Commentary and analysis from our specialist team of population forecasters.

Meet the full team →

Johnny Barnard

Johnny Barnard

Population forecasting lead
Darren Thomas

Darren Thomas

Land Supply Lead

John O'Leary

Forecast modelling

Ben Saines

Land use research

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Your questions answered

Do you have a question about our forecasts, our assumptions or about the Toowoomba SA4 Region? You can submit a question to our team by emailing locationdecisions@id.com.au

Request a copy of our forecast data for the Toowoomba SA4 Region.