The population and housing forecast for the Bendigo region

SA4s in region:

  • Bendigo
Published: June 2024
Version: 5.1.0

Read forecast analysis and insights for the Bendigo region from Australia's largest independent population forecasting team.

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Read the insights and analysis behind our population and dwellings forecasts for the Bendigo region.

About the Bendigo Region

The Bendigo region is forecast to account for 2% of the total population growth of Victoria between 2021 and 2046. 

The region contains the City of Greater Bendigo along the Shire of Loddon, the Shire of Mount Alexander and part of the Shire of Macedon Ranges. The area includes population centres such as Bendigo, Castlemaine, Heathcote, Kyneton, Ingleburn and Woodend. 

Key findings


Over the forecast period the Bendigo region's population will grow from 167,000 in 2021 to around 225,000 people in 2046, an increase in population of approximately 58,000, with an annual rate of growth of 1.19%. This growth is predominantly focused around the greenfield growth areas of Bendigo such as the Strathfieldsaye and White Hills - Ascot. 

The largest increase in development activity and population growth is within the White Hills - Ascot SA2 which sees its population grow by almost 12,000 over the period to a total of 26,197 persons in 2046 representing an annual growth rate of 2.41%. 

Strathfieldsaye is forecast to grow by a total of 11,000 to a total population of 21,700 people, representing an annual growth rate of 2.87%. Kangaroo Flat - Golden Square is projected to grow by a further 6,000 persons to 27,000 people (the most populous locality in the SA4). However, during this period most of the supply will have been exhausted in these areas, with Strathfieldsay and White Hills - Ascot using 80% of available land supply. but will have exhausted the available supply of land by 2046. 

The SA2 in Maiden Gully (which is the fastest growing SA2 in the region with an annual rate of growth of 2.98% per annum) will have the largest proportion of land supply remaining at the end of the forecast period, with a total of 40% of identified supply being used.

Towards the end of the period, as land becomes more constrained in White Hills - Ascot, development is likely to move into the neighbouring SA2 of Bendigo Surrounds - North, which is predominantly rural but has some future urban growth areas zoned on the fringes of Bendigo City. In total, the SA2 grows from 5,500 to 11,500 people, effectively doubling its population. The rest of the established urban areas of Bendigo City contribute 36% of total growth of the region. 

Of the areas outside of the Greater City of Bendigo, Woodend and Kyneton have the largest increases in population. Kyneton grows by about 3,000 people from 10,500 to 13,500 (at a rate of 0.99% per annum) and Woodend by 2,700 to a total of 10,500 (an annual rate of 1.15%). in the meantime, Heathcote and Loddon remain stable with no change in the overall population, and Castlemaine sees a modest growth of 1,145 persons.



What share of Australia's growth will occur in Victoria?

We set the context for our local area forecasts with a presentation of our state- and regional-level forecasts for Victoria.

Access the presentation slides (including our forecast data for each region), and a short recap or the full webinar presentation on-demand. Learn what's driving change and how much growth will go to each region of the state over the 25 years to 2046.

The population forecast for Victoria →

Forecast results

The following forecast information presents the combined numbers for the Bendigo region.

Learn more about the different options to access these forecasts for Local Government Areas (LGAs), suburbs, custom catchments or the entire state or nation here.

  2021 2026 2031 2036 2041 2046
Forecast Population 167,196 179,562 190,516 201,252 212,749 224,875
Change (five year)   12,366 10,954 10,736 11,497 12,126
Average Annual Change (%)   1.44% 1.19% 1.10% 1.12% 1.11%
Forecast Dwellings 75,370 79,998 85,505 91,124 97,208 103,730
Change (five year)   4,628 5,506 5,619 6,084 6,522
Average Annual Change (%)   1.20% 1.34% 1.28% 1.30% 1.31%

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Commentary and analysis from our specialist forecasters.

Johnny Barnard

Johnny Barnard

Principal forecaster
Liza Ivanova

Liza Ivanova

Population forecaster
Richard Thornton

Richard Thornton

Population forecaster

Chris Jones

Population forecaster
Oliver Bowering

Oliver Bowering

Population forecaster

John O'Leary

Forecast modelling