Local Government services

Inform decisions that help communities thrive

Local Governments directly improve people's lives


Local Governments' proximity to everyday lives positions them to have a direct impact on society. Planning for growing, changing communities, and delivering the services they need, is the core business of Local Government.

We believe that local decisions made on reliable data is one of the best ways to improve society. This is why .id (informed decisions) has focused on supporting Local Government since our founding.

Digital information platform

Inform. Persuade. Engage. Monitor.

Trusted by more than 300 councils

The quality evidence-base the majority of councils use to prioritise expenditure for community services that meet residents' needs; make capital investments in the right place at the right time; win much needed grant funding; and harness the collective efforts of local business and community groups.

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Community profiles

Understand your community.

Tell the story of who lives in your community and suburbs, how it compares to other areas and how it is changing with Australia's most widely used online demographic information tool.


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Population forecasts

Plan for the future.

Confidently plan for the future with a forecast of population and housing that demonstrates the outcomes of housing policies and quantifies future demand for infrastructure and services.


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Social atlases

Allocate your resources.

Target services where they are most needed using this powerful suite of thematic maps that show where populations with specific needs are located.


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Economic profiles

Build strong local economies.

Tell the story of the local economy, identify its strengths and model the impact of economic development initiatives with a comprehensive local economic profile and impact modelling tools.



Housing monitors

Monitor housing provision.

Plan, deliver and monitor the supply of affordable and appropriate housing in the community with this local area housing profile and monitor.


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Community views

Hear community views.

Credibly and efficiently represent your community's views in council's vision, strategic planning and advocacy with the Living in Place, nationally benchmarked survey data, insights and online tool.


Designed for local government

Our online information tools are designed to meet the needs of local government decision-makers. You told us what you need. This is what we heard ...

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Relevant small area geography

.id’s tools are delivered at geographies that support local decision making, so council can allocate resources across their LGA with a detailed understanding of each community.

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Long time series

Identify long-term cycles as well as shorter-term trends without having to be concerned about whether boundaries or data categories have changed.

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Public access and diverse users

All tools are designed for full public access, funded by council as a service for the wider community, including local businesses and potential investors.


A consistent platform

Users who are familiar with tools at one location can easily switch to another. Councils working regionally can easily compare information with their neighbours or build a joint evidence-base.

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Monitoring change

All tools in the suite are updated regularly as new data becomes available. This includes annual economic data updates and population forecast monitoring.


Responding to change

We regularly improve our core information tools, adding new features and data based on our clients' feedback and in response to changes in the environment.

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Direct support from the experts

Subscriptions to our tools include direct access to the demographic and economic experts behind them. This includes ad-hoc support as well as regular staff training and briefings.

Consulting services 


We offer a range of consulting services for local government and related organisations. Some of our services are highlighted below. For more information, explore our areas of expertise.

Economic health check


Identify the issues and opportunities that will impact local industries and workers. The crucial first step for developing a long-term economic development strategy.

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Key worker housing affordability analysis

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Identify key occupations and workers, their role in the economy, and their capacity to afford housing close to work.

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Gender equity report


A socio-economic evidence base for councils seeking to understand and address gender equity within their community.

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Service catchment analysis


Profile communities within or beyond a service's catchment. Quantify demand and service levels, and ensure the community's needs are being met.

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Residential development opportunity analysis


Understand the full scope of opportunity for more housing in your area and articulate the benefits to the community and economy.

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Disability modelling


We bring together multiple data sources to give you the best possible view of current and future disability needs in your area.

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Areas of expertise

There are many ways we support decision making in local government and related organisations. Beyond our core information tools we undertake a range of activities across a wide array of topics.

Follow the links below to learn more.