
Population, dwelling and residential development forecasts

As a subscriber to national you have access to population, dwelling and residential development forecasts across the country. 

Core product

Subscribers to the National Forecasting Program can access the following subscriber-only datasets. 

Core product

Subscribers to the National Forecasting Program can access the following subscriber-only datasets. 

Subscriber benefits

Subscribers to our National Forecasting Program also get special access to our experts and insights.

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Geographic outputs

Our forecasts are produced as Small Area Forecast information (SAFi) - our custom micro-geographic units that give our forecasts their flexibility and detail. 

By forecasting at a micro-scale our customers can build catchment that make sense for them. 


Small Area Forecast information (SAFi) is our own custom SA1-derived geography that provides greater detail in future growth areas.


SA1s are designed to maximise the geographic detail available for Census of Population and Housing data.


SA2s represent a community that interacts together socially and economically.


SA4s are the discreet regions for which we forecast population at the sub-state level.

How to get access to it?

Please send us a note to get in touch or call 03 9417 2205 and ask to speak with Forecasting Team