Make informed decisions

We convert data into knowledge to help you make informed decisions.


Empowering local governments and industry partners with online tools and consulting services to inform place-based decisions.

Preview tile  Beyond housing targets eBook (5)

In the news: New research report

Beyond housing targets: a local lens on Australia's housing crisis

Get the report

Knowledge of place


We understand how cities, towns, suburbs and regions are changing.


Online tools & consulting

We organise complex data in intuitive web applications for diverse users.


Data-led storytelling


We tell evidence-based stories.


Informed decisions


We help clients make informed decisions about when and where to provide services and invest in infrastructure. 


How demographics can help you make informed decisions

We see patterns in how people move through stages of life, and the impact that has on cities, states and suburbs. This short video explains how understanding these patterns can help you make informed decisions about the provision of housing, infrastructure and services.

Informed tools and consulting


We organise and present complex data in intuitive online tools to help you make informed decisions about when and where to provide services, invest in infrastructure and advocate for the community. 

Local government services

Explore our platform of information tools, consulting services and public resources for local government and confidently plan for your community's future.


Industry services

Understand when, where and how the Australian population is changing so you can locate your services in the right place at the right time.


Public access

Join thousands of people and organisations accessing .id's public resources to make informed decisions.


Local government services

Online tools, services and public-access resources for local government.

Our digital platform

Tools for informed decisions


The quality evidence-base over 300 councils use to prioritise expenditure for community services that meet residents' needs; make capital investments in the right place at the right time; win much needed grant funding; and harness the collective efforts of local business and community groups.



product wheel

Consulting for local government

Informed by your needs


Our team of demographers, urban economists, housing specialists and population forecasters provide the evidence-base for policy development, community and strategic plans, grant funding and advocacy. 



.id's local government services help you to...

ID_Icons_persuade decision
ID_Icons_Monitor impact
ID_Icons_informed decisions

Industry services

Quantifying how land settlement patterns and population change impact demand for infrastructure and services.

Invest in the right place at the right time

We work with many organisations who plan the services the support our communities.

Our specialist forecasting services are used to help set electoral boundaries, plan infrastructure for national utilities, ensure our emergency services are adequately resourced and locate schools for tomorrow's children.

Whether you are planning for a single catchment, like a school, or a national network, like the NBN, we can help you quantify demand by location.



.id's industry services help you to...

Quantify demand-1
prioritise opportunities-1
reduce risk-1
informed location decisions-1

Public access

Thousands of people and organisations use .id's public resources to confidently plan for the future.

Your demographic resource centre

Build your knowledge about Australian communities.

Hundreds of free demographics resources including community profiles, population forecasts, economic profiles, eBooks, blogs and national profiles and indicators.



Informed clients

Our clients are organisations who contribute to building our cities and communities.

They include local & state governments, education providers, housing developers, retailers, health care providers, utilities, banks and insurers, emergency services, sporting clubs, and planning consultants. 

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Our mission

We believe that by promoting evidence-based decision-making, we are contributing to a fairer and more sustainable society.

The .id way

diamond funnel_Block_ORANGE

The data myth

Get tons of data, mine it, analyse it, model it.
The answer will fall out of the data.

Analysis paralysis

Too much data, too much complexity, more questions than answers. 
Slow decisions.

The .id way

Start with the right questions. Use the smallest amount of data to answers your questions.
Tell a story. Inform decisions.

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