Case Studies Economics
The Client
Shire of Beverley (WA)
Examine the economic impacts of a new community centre for a National Stronger Regions Fund submission.
Providing powerful economic modelling tools to a small, regional Council.
Beverley Shire has a firm evidence base to make confident decisions about infrastructure investments in projects like the Multipurpose Community Centre.
The Beverley Community Resource Centre will provide a revitalised, stable and integral hub for the Beverley Community.
.id provided Beverley Shire with a firm evidence base and economic modelling tools to make confident decisions about infrastructure investments in projects like the Multipurpose Community Centre.
Business Challenge
What are the economic impacts that could be generated by a $4 million Multipurpose Community Centre? What are the construction and ongoing impacts of the proposed project?
The .id Solution
.id used the tools available in to add value to Beverley Council’s funding application to the National Stronger Region Fund.
We used the Economic Impact Model to estimate construction expenditure impacts and the flow on impacts from the new jobs that would be supported at the facility. The Event Impact Calculator was used to estimate the potential impacts from additional tourism visitation as a result of attracting new events to the facility.
The models are tailored to the Beverley Region’s economy based on an input-output model which is derived from the local economy micro-simulation model by National Economics (NIEIR).
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