How Noosa Council is tackling its housing crisis with

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Case Studies

The client

Noosa Council

The need

Noosa Council faces huge affordability issues due to high tourism, limiting residential housing and increasing homelessness and living costs.

The approach

As part of their Housing Strategy Noosa Council wanted to develop a housing monitoring program, and as part of this subscribed to

The results, helped Noosa understand (and communicate) the mismatch in housing supply and demand and identify the neighbourhoods that are suffering most from lack of affordable long-term rentals.

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Noosa Council are facing huge affordability issues, impacted heavily by its high levels of tourism. This is reducing access to residential housing stock, causing homelessness and cost of living pressures on its local community.  

Noosa Case Study_Campaign

(Above image: 2022 Campaign Keep Noosa Home)

The approach

In 2021 Noosa Council commissioned a Housing Needs Assessment, and from this developed the Noosa Housing Strategy in 2022.

In 2023 Noosa council procured to provide the market affordability, and supply and demand data they needed to inform their approaches to tackling these issues, and to help their community and councillors understand the severity of their housing crisis. 

In 2024 Noosa recruited a new Housing Partnerships and Projects Officer to help implement the Noosa Housing Strategy to:

  • Understand opportunities
  • Apply for grants
  • Support/manage relevant projects
  • Develop partnerships

The results helped Noosa understand (and communicate) the mismatch in housing supply and demand and identify the neighbourhoods that are suffering most from lack of affordable long-term rentals.

Recently Noosa Council have:

  • Proposed planning amendments to encourage smaller dwellings; keep future short stay accommodation in Tourist zones; and encourage affordable housing development.
  • Endorsed the remediation and subdivision of Council-owned land in Cooroy for social and affordable housing and approved the sale of proposed Lot 1 to a Community Housing Provider for social housing


Council-owned carparks in Noosa Heads and Tewantin are also being explored for future affordable housing.

Progress is being made toward outcomes in each area and housing id will help Noosa continue to track any resultant changes to affordability and supply. 

Want to learn more?

You can explore Noosa Council's affordable housing story in their Housing Monitor:

If you'd like to understand how a Housing Monitor could support your work, start with the link below.

Learn more about the Housing Monitor →

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