Case Studies Economics
The Client
City of Vincent
The local council needed a comprehensive analysis of the economic and demographic landscape of their town centres to aid planning and identify areas of growth and opportunity.
Our Method
.id developed a precinct analysis tool that utilised custom boundaries developed in collaboration with council. The tool adapted multiple datasets to provide estimates of leading economic and demographic indicators for each centre.
Our analysis highlighted the change occurring in each centre and what industries were driving it. The substantial growth in the Leederville Town Centre was shown to be driven by construction and utilities due to the head office of the Water Corporation.
The outcome for the council is evidence-based insights that can inform investment strategies, and strengthen community engagement efforts at the sub-LGA level.
Preinct Analysis for the City of Vincent
In 2023, our consultants conducted a comprehensive analysis of multiple town centres within the City of Vincent. The local council was keen to gain insights that could inform a number of strategies connected to planning and the economic health of places. Here's what we found.
Substantial growth in Leederville
Between 2016 and 2021, Leederville Town Centre, which represented around 25% of total jobs in the City of Vincent, experienced growth in employment and value added well above the metropolitan average. Growth was led by the construction industry and utilities (connected to the Water Corporation's head office).
Not everywhere was growing
Strong employment and value added growth at the LGA level can sometimes hide changes at the precinct level. Our analysis found some locations had hardly changed during the period between 2016 and 2021. One centre had actually seen a decline in employment due to the loss of a large number of admin support jobs.
Different locations have specific industry specialisations
Analysis shows that locations within the city performed different roles and had even developed clusters of similar organisations/businesses over time. For example, North Claisebook had an over-representation of industry unions and North Perth had a larger share of real estate agencies than the metro average.
Continued growth of healthcare
The importance of Health and Social Assistance Services to local economies in recent years was reinforced through precinct anaysis. Our report showed that it was the only industry to have employment growth in all precincts between 2016 and 2021 and it was the leading driver in half of them.
About our economic consulting team
Our economic consulting team is engaged by councils and organisations across Australia to provide in-depth insights behind the data. Our experts draw on their knowledge of urban and regional economic development and years of experience working with decision makers across Australia. This information is used by councils to develop evidence based economic development strategies, investment attraction plans and support grant applications.
If you need help on a project, please contact us and we will get in touch.
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